Nakai, M., Yamaguchi, K., Takeuchi, K. (2016),
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Yamaguchi, K. and Takeuchi, K.(2016), "Consumer Preferences for Reduced Packaging under Economic Instruments and Recycling Policy",
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Nakai, M., Yamaguchi, K., Takeuchi, K.(2013), "Sustainability Membership and Stock Price: An Empirical Study Using the Morningstar-SRI
Index", Applied Financial Economics, 23(1), pp.71-77. [査読付き]
Hoshikawa, T. and Yamaguchi, K.(2013), "A note on the yen/dollar rate without foreign exchange intervention ", Applied
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馬奈木俊介、石川雅紀、山口恵子、小島理沙 (2010), "環境に優しい商品による差別化は可能か?", 環境科学会誌, 23(5), pp. 394-400. [査読付き]
山口恵子、石川雅紀、小島理沙 (2010), "簡易包装商品の需要に対するパブリックマーケティングアプローチの効果", 環境科学会誌, 23(5), pp. 375-380. [査読付き]
Yamaguchi, K.(2009), "An Event Study on the Concealment of the Blending Ratio of Waste Paper", Waste Management, Vol. 29(5),
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Yamaguchi, K. (2008), "Reexamination of Stock Price Reaction to Environmental Performance: A GARCH Application", Ecological
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Yamaguchi, K. (2007), "Estimating Energy Elasticity with Structural Changes in Japan", Energy Economics, Vol. 29(6), pp.
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Yamaguchi, K. (2007), "Estimating cross-price elasticity for energy demand: a cointegration approach", 六甲台論集, 第53巻第4号, pp.
Yamaguchi, K., Matsumoto, S., and Tasaki T. "Effect of an Eco-Point Program on Consumer Digital TV Selection" in Matsumoto, S. ed,
Environmental Subsidies to Consumers: How did they work in the Japanese Market?, Routledge, Chapter. 4, pp.76-90, 2015.6.29.
Yamaguchi, K., Matsumoto, S., Tasaki, T., "Effect of an Energy Rebate Program on Consumer TV Selection", Presented at 5th World Congress of the
European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics.
Empirical Studies on the Impact of Corporate Environmental Performance on its Economic Performance, 神戸大学大学院経済学研究科博士論文,
Yamaguchi, K., Matsumoto, S., Tasaki, T., "Effect of an Energy Rebate Program on Consumer TV Selection", 5th World Congress of the European Association of
Environmental and Resource Economists (第5回ヨーロッパ環境資源経済学世界大会), イスタンブール(トルコ), 2014年6月28-7月2日. [査読あり]
山口恵子・松本茂・田崎智宏, "Effect of an Energy Rebate Program on Consumer TV Selection", 環境経済・政策学会2013年大会(神戸大学), 2013年9月21日.
山口恵子・竹内憲司, "Consumer Preferences for Less Packaging: A Stated Preference Study", 環境経済・政策学会2011年大会(長崎大学), 2011年9月23日.
Yamaguchi, K. (2009), "Static and Dynamic return on Corporate Environmental Investment Activity: Empirical Evidence from Japan", 17th Annual Conference of the
European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (第17回ヨーロッパ環境資源経済学会), アムステルダム(オランダ), 2009年6月24-27日. [査読あり]
Yamaguchi, K. "Static and Dynamic Return on Corporate Environmental Investment Activity: Empirical Evidence from Japan", 日本経済学会2008年度秋季大会(近畿大学),
Yamaguchi, K. "Static and Dynamic Return on Corporate Environmental Investment Activity: Empirical Evidence from Japan", CORE Third Conference: The
Potential of CSR to drive integration in an Enlarged EU, ノッティンガム(イギリス), 2008年6月18日. [査読あり]
Yamaguchi, K. and Ishikawa, M. "Can the Campaign for Simple Packaging Goods Purchasing Promotion Change Consumer's Mind?: Evidence from Japan",
環境経済・政策学会2007年大会(滋賀大学), 2007年10月8日.
Yamaguchi, K. "Reexamination of Stock Price Reaction to Environmental Performance: A GARCH Application", 15th Annual Conference of the European Association of
Environmental and Resource Economists (第15回ヨーロッパ環境資源経済学会), テッサロニキ(ギリシャ), 2007年6月27-30日. [査読あり]
Yamaguchi, K. and Ishikawa, M. "Can the Campaign for Simple Packaging Goods Purchasing Promotion Change Consumer's Mind?: Evidence from Japan", CORE
Second Conference: The Potential of CSR to Support the Implementation of the EU Sustainability Strategy, ミラノ(イタリア), 2007年6月14-15日. [査読あり]
Yamaguchi, K. "Reexamination of Stock Price Reaction to EnvironmentalPerformance:A GARCH Application", 日本経済学会2007年度春季大会(大阪学院大学), 2007年6月3日.